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  • What can my child get help with?
    Our in-home educators can help in any academic subject. They will also help with homework and test preperation. Our quality educators prepare and set your child up for success in life through mentoring your child in organization, time management and study skills.
  • How do I cancel my pre-paid learning plan?
    Upon purchase of any Learning Plan a 48- hour grace period is given, where a full refund minus any registration or supply fee will be granted. Do to the time it takes Teachers to Home, LLC to find a perfect match for your family, should you choose to cancel a prepaid Learning Plan after attending your first session, you will be billed an inconvenience fee in the amount equal to two- single tutoring sessions, $80.00. Any Home-schooling Learning Plan that has been pre-paid either bi-annually or annually will receive a refund for the remaining credit minus any discounts currently being applied to the Service Plan; granted a two-week notice is given (see Termination of Service).
  • How do I get an educator?
    You need an active Teachers to Home, LLC account to connect with an educator. If you don't have an account, schedule and Intake Assessment Call here.
  • What rules do you have when going into my home?
    Plese read ourTerms of Service that we require of our staff entering into your home.
  • Where do you provide services?
    We are located in Turlock, California and provide services within the limits of Stanislaus County.
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